Friday, May 10, 2013

So lately I've been having a slight problem in my household.  I think it's a pretty common problem,   so I'm wondering how other women conquer it. 

I love my husband and my brother in law who is staying with us right now (He's going through a rough patch and will be staying with us for a few more months.  But that's a story for another time perhaps.)
Anyway like I said, I love them both.  But I can't seem to get them to pitch in with the house work.  Don't get me wrong, they pitch in with simple stuff about once a week.....but let's face it, that's not a lot.  Especially when I work full time.  It's not like I'm a housewife with no kids and no offense to any housewives out there.

The other day I was talking to my brother in law about how people have been disappointing me lately and he said something that I had never really thought about.  He said (roughly), "You hold people to the same standard that you hold yourself.  And since your standards are high then people let you down.  And also women, in my experience, can handle more stress than men."

On one hand I kind of view that as a cop out.  But I had never really thought about how I hold people to the same standard that I hold myself.  So that kind of explains it, but it doesn't really help. 

So to anybody reading this, how do you fix this kind of problem?  How do you motivate spouses or even just people around you to be better people and pitch in with the work load?

I came across this book and I'm wondering if it would really be helpful. The lazy husband: How to get men to do more parenting and housework.

 Any thoughts would be appreciated.  :)

1 comment:

  1. I have never read that book, so I can't say about that. I know how my brothers are, so you may have already tried this. What I would do is talk to them about it. Let them know how it makes you feel and that you can't take care of everything by yourself. Oh! I haven't finished this yet, so I can't say I agree with everything in it, but I started reading a book called For Women Only. Some stuff in there might be helpful to start an open dialogue. It is supposed to help you to understand some of the things that go on in a mans mind. She says that it is not true of every man, which I am fining out, but it may help a little. That's all I got right now. :)
