Friday, April 26, 2013

Hi there to all of the people who may be interested in my life. I started a blog under a similar title while my husband was deployed a while back. And I apologize but I abandoned it.

But I'm trying to get back to blogging. I remember my love of the written word and how therapeutic I find it to write down my thoughts and feelings.

  I'm very passionate about topics including personal finance, saving money, marriage, dogs and pets, healthy living and working out and numerous others. A lot of people don't realize this because I am fairly quiet person. I think I'm quiet because in my experience I don't like arguing or trying to prove my point to anyone. So I wait to see where others stand on different topics. And if I agree I'll chime in. If I don't I leave it alone. (Though sometimes I'll be in a feisty mood and I'll put in my two cents when I disagree!)
I think this stems from a childhood growing up with a very stubborn and talkative mother and sister. When you feel like you can't get a word in edgewise eventually you just give up. :( This probably isn't the healthiest attitude but it's something I'm working on.

But deep down I am quite passionate about various topics. Like saving money and physical fitness. These are two topics that I am continually getting more and more passionate about. Because these (in my mind) are topics that can, if educated about and preventative measures are taken, save a lot of trouble and heart ache.

I also grew up in home where we lived literally pay check to pay check. And we weren't always sure how we were going to eat the next week. I'm fairly sure that that is why I am a very big saver!

It's funny looking back at my childhood and seeing how much of it molded me in to who I am today.

Anyway, I think that this conclude this post. I'll be here dreaming of spring here in North Dakota. It was in the 50's today and it was wonderful!


  1. Is there any particular type of work out you think is a good one?

    1. Hey Danielle. :) I've experimented with a couple and one of my fave work out combos is 30 mins or more on a stationary or regular bike and then some different weight lifting moves with a set of dumbbells. I know not every one has access to a gym though, so if you don't I would recommend trying a HITT work out. They can be a bit of a challenge though! Here's a link to a youtube video of one that I like.
