Saturday, February 15, 2014

Even the experienced struggle

Yup, it happened again.  I let my blog posts lapse for a while.  I'm sorry. 

But back on track, the other day I searched pinterest for any interesting blogs by military wives/spouses.  And I found a few but a lot of them seemed geared towards newer military spouses.
Which is good, because I remember how overwhelming I felt when my husband first joined.  But I would love to read about deployments and military life from the perspective of a fellow experienced military spouse who has been in the life for a while.

And since I can't find one, I think I might write a few posts geared towards that.  I'm not saying I know everything there is to know about being a military wife but I think I have a teensy bit of experience.

So, here goes.  The subject of my first post is that even seasoned military wives struggle.  And sometimes we have totally different struggles than newer military spouses.  The worst part is that our struggles can make us sound crazy. 

One of the biggest struggles I've had through his current deployment is that I keep running out of things to talk with him about.  Which probably sounds really trivial and stupid.
But it can actually be hard because when they're deployed, the only interaction you can have with them is talking.  And I want to talk to him and skype with him (skype is pretty awesome).  But it seems lately that I run out of things to talk about after a few minutes.  Which, 1) makes me feel incredibly boring and 2) is kind of depressing. 

But from what I understand, this isn't completely abnormal.  That doesn't mean it isn't frustrating, but it's nice to know that maybe I'm not the only one who has struggled with this.   

I think I just miss having him here in my life, physically here.  Which is hard to express.  Especially when I feel like a horrible wife when I tell him that I don't know what else to say besides "I miss you".

We all have different struggles in our journeys as military spouses.  Another dynamic that I haven't experienced is the struggle of being a parent while they're deployed, TDY or for whatever reason gone.  I have a lot of respect for all of the men and women who are raising their kids while the military member is gone.  I know it has to be hard.

Are there any military wives out there who have something to add?  Any other things that you have struggled with?  Please feel free to post a comment!

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