Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Learning to adjust

Hi peoples,

Just me again.  Sorry I haven't posted anything that recently.  As the title suggests, I've been trying to adjust to my husband being deployed.  On one hand it's been an easier deployment than his last 2.  And on the other hand, it's been harder. 

It's been easier because I have a smart phone and he has a kindle fire this time around.  So we can Skype and keep in contact a whole lot more.  That has been really nice.

It's been harder because the same day that I dropped my husband off at the airport to fly out, 1 of our 2 dogs died a few hours later.  And I know that some people will think "It was just a dog", but he was such a big part of our lives and it was very unexpected.  So, needless to say I had a very rough few days. 

It's gotten easier, but I still miss our dog Toby very much.  He was our first dog, we got him when he was 9 weeks old and he was our first pet as a couple.  I have so many good memories of that little scoundrel. 

Rest in peace Toby, you were loved very much.

I've been trying to check some things off of my "Deployment list".  I've tried a couple of new recipes (thank you pinterest addiction!) and been reading and working out a lot more. 

I admit I will probably never be full vegan because I love cheese and fish too much.  But fruits, veggies and other super health foods have made more of an appearance in my diet.  Have you ever tried quinoa?  If you are interested in any of the stuff in the health food section, I would recommend it!  In my determination to try more fruits and veggies I've discovered a love for some winter squashes recently.  Oh and my love affair with pumpkin flavored everything is in full swing! 

I've rediscovered the local library's very convenient digital book service.  I love being able to browse their digital selection of books on my computer and then just borrow books on my nook!  Score!

I've also been trying to get all the paper work through to get my MyCAA grant and start taking classes in Business Administration.  I think I have done everything I can on that front, just waiting on the government to reopen and approve my grant.  It never fails, there is always a hurry up and wait dance. 

Beyond that, I've just been working and hitting the gym a lot.  I am working towards my goal to be able to at least jog an entire 5k before my husband comes back next year. 

That's what's up in my life. 

So until next time.....

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