So, we recently learned that my husband will be deploying again soon-ish. I can't really say exactly when (because of OPSEC aka Operations Security and all that jazz), but it's safe to say he'll miss the holidays this year. And while I'll miss him, I'm hoping to take advantage of the time alone (did I mention my brother in law should be moving out in the next few weeks? Hallelejuah!) and do some things that I want to do that would be harder to do while he's here.
So here's my deployment list.
1. Take advantage of the MYCAA grant and take some online classes in business administration. MYCAA is a really cool program that I just recently learned about. Basically if you are married to an enlisted member of the military and they're an E-5 or below you are entitled to a scholarship. The scholarship seems to be aimed towards helping you get a job that is fairly portable. Which is awesome!
To find out more, go here. MYCAA Info (The web browser might say that's an unsecure website, but it's just because it's a government website)
2. Stock my fridge full of fresh fruits and veggies!
I've been really getting into eating more fruits and veggies and it's been a little hard to keep the house stocked on those. And though I love getting bountiful baskets (Go here for more info on that I sometimes can't get them because of the timing to buy them. (They start selling every Monday at 1 pm here. Talk about an inconvenient time!)
But with 2 less mouths to feed I shouldn't have a problem splurging a little more on healthy stuff. :)
3. Read more.
There are so many books I want to read, but never have time. I'm going to try to really make a dent in my reading list! I might even try to make a small dent in this long list of books I found,
1001 books to read before you die.
4. Try more vegan and vegetarian recipes.
I'm even entertaining the idea of doing a "vegan week" and going completely vegan for 1 week out of every month while he's gone. But I'm definitely going to try to eat healthier. I think it'll be a little easier while he's gone.
5. Work out more often.
For a while I was doing really good and working out at least 3 times a week but I've been slipping off the bandwagon the past few weeks. But while the hubby is deployed I won't have any excuse! I might even try to work up to being able to do a 5k without feeling like I'm dying.
6. Organize the house and get rid of some junk that we never use. 'Nuff said. ;)
7. Actually try out some recipes and ideas that I've pinned on pinterest.
I'll probably think of more things that I want to add to this list......there might be a part 2 later.